Punti di Vista is founded on the principles of ConventoAperto ‘Open Convent’. PdV sets out to be an inclusive non profit organisation that does unpaid work for the common good and for sustainable futures. As a volunteer association PdV takes care of all the maintenance of the Convent even as if it remains the property of the Franciscan brothers, which itself is a charity order founded by St Francis. All those visiting the convent contribute with their time and donations to the upkeep of this wonderful 16th century building and grounds.All activities of PdV are based on the principles of collaboration and care for the place itself, its history and the people who share and enjoy its beauty and peace.
With these principles, PdV manages to keep the convent OPEN to a variety of social and cultural activities and events founded not on profit but on living life well. PdV makes it a priority to keep residential learning and living together affordable and fun. PdiV sees such an approach fundamental to holistic learning and hope for a sustainable future.