07. S.Maria del Giglio
Celebrating S.Maria del Giglio across the generations with stories in cloister

04. Peace activist Starhawk
Internationally renown Peace activist Starhawk inspires participants during European Permaculture Convergency 2016 (http://www.starhawk.org)

14. Learning theories and practices
Learning theories and practices on sustainable water management.

13. Fun degrowth workshop
A creative and fun degrowth workshop: participants sewing clothes and accessories with recycled tissues.

11. Climate change workshop
A climate change workshop: exploring how renewable solar energy could change it all (or could have changed: event held in 2008)

10. Art–therapy for therapists
Art–therapy for therapists: participants’ work presentation and sharing of insights

09. Good practices
Disseminating good practices and sustainable lifestiles: reducing – reusing – recycling and… creating musical instruments