Nathan Morrow
Nathan Morrow is a board member of Punti Di Vista and partner of Sabrina. He is most often seen around the Convent gardens mowing the lawns and pruning vines, as well as organising amazing cook ups for his students who come from Tulane University for hands on courses where is adjunct professor. He brings his global network of the world of food politics to the work of PdV along with his 20 years of experience as senior advisor research and evaluation for World Vision and the World Food Programme. He takes the lead in the PdV summer schools for US students.

Giorgio Gallina
Giorgio Gallina is treasurer of Punti Di Vista and brings his cheerful commitment and knowledge of how to manage organisations, as well as interest in the food politics of the Association. He opened the first artisan ice cream shop in Parma, Italy and is an expert in artisanal food products. Since retirement he has been a volunteer of PdV for several years and can always be relied on to solve unforeseen glitches in the day to day running of the Convent.

Sabrina Aguiari
Sabrina AguiariĀ is President of Punti di Vista. She is the power house of PdV bringing her knowledge on gender and peace building , food security, humanitarian mine action and permaculture and much more to the every day running and vision of the Association. Some where in all that she does for PdV she recently was award a PhD on gender and peacebuilding in the international programme Diversity Management and Governance at the University Alma Mater of Bologna and is renovating a little house at the foot of the Convent.